Thea Williamson

About Me

I am a literacy educator committed to working with schools, educators, and students to cultivate strong reading and writing identities in all learners—particularly multilingual students.

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I am interested in the sociopolitical dimensions of English in culturally and linguistically diverse secondary school contexts as well as writing pedagogy. My work has been published in Teaching and Teacher Education, the Research in the Teaching of English, English Teaching: Practice and Critique, and other education journals.


Currently I teach literacy research methods courses, writing, diversity and equity, and adolescent literacy in the College of Education, where practitioners explore their own literate lives as well as well as learn how to conduct literacy research in their own professional contexts.


As a writing teacher and professional development consultant, I foreground process-focused pedagogy and self-reflection in writing, empowering students to take ownership of their writing and identities as writers, working with teachers to create spaces for agency as they teach composition. These are tools to enact anti-oppressive writing pedagogies in education spaces.