About Me
I am a literacy educator passionate about research and people using writing as a tool for thinking, a vehicle for personal and creative expression, a way to share and disseminate knowledge, and a way to contribute to social change. As a bilingual person and teacher of multilingual students, I work towards linguistically just schools.
I am interested in the sociopolitical dimensions of English in culturally and linguistically diverse secondary school contexts as well as writing pedagogy. My work has been published in Teaching and Teacher Education, the Research in the Teaching of English, English Teaching: Practice and Critique, and College English, among other publications.
Currently I teach literacy pedagogy in the English department where teacher candidates and students interested in teaching and learning explore their own literate lives, research about literacy learning, and how to facilitate literacy learning for adolescents. These courses engage with critical theories of curriculum, from crititical race theory to theories of labor and decolonization.
As a writing teacher and professional development consultant, I foreground process-focused pedagogy and self-reflection in writing, empowering students to take ownership of their writing and identities as writers. These are tools to enact anti-oppressive writing pedagogies. My goal is to bring students closer to their work, resolving some of the alienation writers often feel in school spaces.